
💋 Hell's Femme Fatale 💋

♫ I'm your biggest fantasy
I'm your worst nightmare trapped inside a pretty dream
You best believe
I'm your worst fucking enemy
Unless you bow down and beg for me on your knees ♫

🔪 Literate & Detailed Writer
💔 Story Driven RP
🔪 Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss Verse OC
💔 Canon & OC's Welcome
🔪 SFW/NSFW Account
💔Ships w/ Chemistry
🔪 Friendly Mun
💔 Semi Selective
🔪No Minors 18+ Only
💔Dark Themes

CHARACTER INFORMATIONFull Name: Vashka Olivia VaulkyraAlias: Femme FataleSpecies: Wendigo/GlamourGender: FemaleSexuality: Aromantic DemisexualHeight: 7 FtBorn in: 1915Date of Death: 1946Age: 31Cause of Death: ExplosionDemon Class: OverlordMoral Alignment: Neutral EvilOCCUPATION:Hazbin Hotel TherapistCEO and Founder of LazarusLocation: Pentagram City, HellINTERESTSLikes:
Fine Wine
Classical Music
Black Magic
The Occult
Conducting Experiments
Designer Products
Being Touched
Getting Dirty
Her Heat Cycle
Showing Vulnerability
Gender Roles
The Lower Class


♫ I get so bored when I try to be nice
It gets so hot when I'm picking a fight
Call me crazy, and I'll show you you're right
Say you love me, then I'll bite
I'll stay narcissistic
Turning red to riches
Gimme your, gimme your heart, so I can rip it
I'll stay narcissistic
You could be my victim
Gimme your, gimme your tears, so I can sip them ♫

Vashka is best described as a social chameleon, effortlessly charismatic and capable of altering her behavior to appeal to different individuals or situations using a series of cleverly crafted personas. Beneath this mask of pleasantry however lies a much more insidious truth.Cruel, calculating, and remorseless to a disturbing degree, Vashka is almost completely devoid of basic emotion making her capable of committing chilling atrocities that even by Hell’s standards are seen as crossing a line. She wears a permanent expression of stoic indifference, rarely allowing for anyone to glimpse at what lies beneath the mask.Vashka is extremely observant of both her surroundings and of others and thrives off of reading people to see what makes them tick. She will pick up on the most subtle changes in someone’s demeanor, expression and body language, all while keeping her own a blank canvas. She is able to mimic emotions with perfect accuracy even though she has limited capacity to truly feel anything, making it notoriously difficult to gauge her intentions or know if she is being genuine.A product of both the chaotic era she lived during and her own cosmic origins has left Vashka with a profound outlook of existential nihilism. She has completely abandoned all ties to what little humanity she once had in life, viewing it as obsolete. In her eyes, the world is fatally flawed beyond repair and it's only salvation is a complete factory reset, an ideology that fuels her ambitions. To this end, in her view everyone is expendable and can be replaced with nothing lasting forever.This bleak outlook however does not mean she is above forming alliances for a common goal or developing attachments should the outcome end in getting what she wants out of the exchange or if the individual is similar in nature to herself. Vashka’s respect must be earned and while quite fickle, she is known to treat those who interest or impress her fairly and with respect all the while assisting them and proving to be a powerful ally.Concepts like love, family, friendship, and morality are foreign to her, which may put Vashka at odds with those who do try to get close to her. She only understands these concepts on a textbook level and thus has little to no personal experience with them. Aloof at heart, in the end, Vashka’s loyalty will always lie with herself above all else.Despite her status as one of Hell’s Overlord’s, Vashka does not care for publicity or showboating and frowns upon those that do. Appearing as an enigma, she prefers subtlety and thus it is unknown just how far reaching the doe’s power and influence truly is when she acts as an infernal puppet master pulling the strings behind the scenes while those who are already ensnared may not even realize they are being guided towards her agenda.Ever the opportunist, Vashka prefers to strike from the shadows or take a more diplomatic approach during conflict, utilizing blackmail, mind games, or other means of weakening the will of her enemies when brute force isn’t enough. The ends justify the means in her eyes, making Vashka an extremely ruthless individual when it comes to pursuing her goals and will use any means at her disposal to accomplish this.Every bit a megalomaniac, Vashka looks down on others, rarely acknowledging anyone as being on her level, yet she is not reckless and chooses her battles wisely, especially when dealing with those who could rival or exceed her in terms of power.Vashka displays a domineering and oftentimes intimidating presence, radiating lethal grace and confidence with every step. She has refined tastes and surrounds herself in all the luxuries befitting the social elite, leaving Vashka with little understanding of the struggles of the lower castes so she may come off as ignorant to them at times without meaning to.She is also incredibly narcissistic, known for behaving like an over privileged pampered diva, with her vanity overbearing at times and expects to be worshiped like the goddess she views herself as. Beneath all of her refinement however lies an intense primal bloodlust and desire to hunt. These predatory urges often conflict with her more regal presentation thus she fights to maintain balance between the duality of her nature lest she reveal her origins.

{ Arrival in Hell - Present Day }
Ending up at the gates of Hell did not come as a surprise for Vashka. In life she had been a cruel and remorseless woman who valued self preservation above all else. What she did not anticipate however was the cervine form she had been granted in the afterlife. Adjusting to this new body and the abilities it came with, she began planning for the eternity ahead of her in a chaotic realm where only the strong survived.Abandoning all notion of morality and her former humanity, Vashka quickly established a reputation for herself as a demon not to be crossed, displaying a degree of power rare among freshly fallen souls and an intense bloodlust if provoked. During this time she also began to take note of the many prominent figures in Hell and how best to begin gathering power, resigning to staying in the shadows to avoid drawing attention to herself from those who might view her as competition. Vashka's natural talent for manipulation, charisma and raw ability eventually led to her being able to infiltrate and become the right hand of several Overlords acting on their behalf, each under a different form using her Glamour abilities.Having grown comfortable in their positions believing them secure after all this time, Vashka was able to exploit this carelessness and their trust in her would be their undoing as she began to sabotage from within, planting seeds of discord and paranoia amongst each other. Guided by the strings of a master manipulator, Vashka set in motion a grand scale turf war that would pit each Overlord under her sway against each other until eventually destroying themselves.In one of the most chaotic events that shook the Pride Ring, a multi scale turf war broke out in the Pentagram as its prime orchestrator observed from a distance, letting the Overlords destroy each other before she would strike the final blow. At its climax Vashka had successfully absorbed each of the fallen's souls and with it all of their power for herself.When the smoke had cleared, all participants had been slain leaving behind empty territories and mantles to be filled paving way for others to take their place. The exact cause that led to such a large scale conflict remain debated to this day yet among various speculation, none mention the involvement of a pastel doe.Holding grandeurs of domination and now with the means to truly begin seizing power, Vashka began a series of violent conquests to establish an empire for herself. Securing allies, subordinates, and souls from her previous exploits. Vashka took part in several turf wars to display her newfound power and secure territory in what can only be described as a "genocidal rampage" rivalling even that of the Radio Demon who came before her.At its conclusion a large portion of territory outside of Pentagram City was now under the doe's control and a new Overlord had risen in the Pride Ring. Dubbed "Femme Fatale" by the masses, Vashka had at last secured her place in Hell. But Vashka didn't stop there, drunk with power and with unfinished business to settle, she went head-to-head against The Radio Demon in a vicious turf war. After a long grueling battle that leveled an entire district in the city.Despite being evenly matched she had underestimated Alastor and was defeated, leading to a hasty retreat into the shadows to lick her wounds and with a firmly cemented rivalry now in place. Despite her loss, Vashka would not be so easily discouraged from her ambitions and learned from the experience, setting her sights further than mere turf wars.Vashka began shifting her focus onto soul contracts and earned the reputation as a shrewd Deal Maker in the process with rumors of her even interfering with mortals surfacing. Settling on an official business venue to rake in further profit, Vashka founded the illustrious industry known as Lazarus, a mega-corporation providing surgeries, body modifications, gene splicing cosmetics, narcotics and even new bodies using the latest scientific advancements.This investment proved immensely successful for Vashka and allowed her to continue on her research of the mind and body that gave her solace in life and granting her a complete monopoly over the medical industry in Hell. As decades passed, Vashka remained a prominent figure in Hell, known for her insidious reputation and exploits.With eyes and ears all throughout Hell and a network of contacts at her disposal, few things escape Vashka's radar as she observes the political hellscape from a distance. Within her territory, the boundaries between life and death blur into one as Vashka reigns amongst her subjects as a dictator of undeath. All of the casualties from those turf wars bore fruit in the form of undead servants bound to the will of their Mistress that only grow in number with each life claimed by the Femme Fatale.After another annual extermination came and went, a most compelling story on the 666 News caught Vashka's attention. A hotel owned by the Princess of Hell herself with the lofty undertaking of trying to rehabilitate and redeem Sinners was now accepting clients.Following the disastrous interview and open ridicule for the project, Vashka saw only opportunity and a means to further her own research and ambitions and offered her assistance in seeing this impossible dream come to fruition. While she herself holds no desire to change and is content with her life of sin, Vashka nonetheless provides therapy and consoling services for the Hazbin Hotel and its residents and has proven herself a valuable business partner.Human Life & Upbringing
{1915 - 1946}
TW: Historical References, Indoctrination, Cannibalism, Childhood Trauma, Period Typical Sexism
Hailing from Germany, Vashka lived through the cataclysmic events of both World I and War II witnessing the worst humanity had to offer before her untimely arrival in Hell. In life she was a brilliant surgeon and psychologist and one of the leading experts in the study of the human mind and body at the time. Born a child prodigy Vashka's roots began under tragic circumstances as yet another casualty of war after being left to fend for herself on the street when the burden of caring for a child in a devastated economy became too much for her family. Too young to find her way home and with nobody coming forward to claim the child, she was eventually placed in an orphanage.The realization that she was now alone in the world and her family wasn't coming back greatly impacted Vashka leading to her developing what is now known as A.S.P.D (Anti-Social Personality Disorder.) and a warped understanding of the world. With adoption considered out of the question, Vashka spent much of her childhood in the orphanage where she was kept isolated due to her unpredictable violent nature, sociopathic behavior and genius level intellect making the troubled girl uncontrollable.When the "Devil Child" as she was dubbed eventually made headlines, she became the subject of interest among scholars wanting to study her. Sociopathy in children was virtually unknown to society at the time and these reports would go on to broaden public understanding of psychology in later generations. Eventually these studies attracted the interest of governmental officials who saw the child as the perfect candidate to be programmed into their agenda and she was subsequently taken away and placed under the care of a mentor who would be responsible for raising the child. Vashka would go on to receive high levels of intensive education, combat training, and was subjected to militarized propaganda during her upbringing. Not wanting outside influence to hinder the amount of effort placed into indoctrinating the young girl, Vashka was given little social interaction with others her age and spent most of her time committed to her studies.During the summer of 1932, all of this threatened to change however when her caretaker was required to visit America on a business trip. Now at the age of 17 and considered an adult at the time, Vashka tagged along during this expenditure arriving via steamboat in New Orleans, Louisiana. Staying in a hotel, Vashka was given the first bits of freedom from supervision and took the chance to explore the locale. The lively city and its colorful inhabitants were unlike anything she had seen before leading to doubt beginning to form in the young woman's mind over everything she had been taught about the world. While exploring the nightlife of New Orleans, Vashka had a fateful encounter that would have far reaching consequences much later in life.A prolific serial killer leading a double life roamed the streets and took notice of the clearly foreign girl, seeing her as easy prey. After leaving a theater, Vashka bumped into him and to her surprise soon learned the man was actually the famous radio host she had been listening to while at the hotel. With her relative inexperience in social settings and youthful naivety, Vashka let her guard down and struck up a budding acquaintanceship with the man, who would offer to become her tour guide, unbeknownst to her that she was intended to become a victim. Her sharp intellect and wit managed to impress and entertain during the time spent accompanying him and Vashka found herself growing attached to what she viewed as the closest thing to a friend she ever had. While intended to be killed the night after their first encounter instead she lasted until the end of summer.When it came time to depart back to Germany, her charming tour guide made his move, leading to a violent struggle for her life. Unbeknownst to her attacker, Vashka had received prior combat training and in the violent altercation managed to disarm him before his knife could pierce her chest and retaliated by stabbing his abdomen. Believing her attacker dead, Vashka fled the scene unaware that he had survived and would never forget the one that got away. Shaken from her experience and betrayal, Vashka vowed to never let her guard down or get close to anyone again, seeing her experience as a consequence of allowing herself to open up and returned to Germany.Vashka lived through the events of WWII performing in various medical occupations until she was given the task of conducting biological experiments by her superiors earning herself positions of authority normally reserved for men at the time. Despite widespread propaganda of racial superiority and fascism throughout her homeland, Vashka herself did not share these ideals, everything she had been exposed to in life had instilled strong misanthropic views towards humanity and the direction it was headed towards. In her eyes, all were equal under the scalpel as little more than organic material for her to take apart. Under the tutelage of her superiors, Vashka committed a number of atrocities during her time alive.For a woman known for her unflinching stoicism and domineering presence, Vashka had but one fear. As programs were being carried out amongst the civilian population, German women deemed "racially pure" and physically attractive were expected to have children and pass on these genes to support the war effort from a domestic standpoint and Vashka was everything her radical minded superiors could have hoped for: tall with platinum blonde hair, and blue eyes. Resentful of the advances of her male colleagues and how they viewed her, Vashka shunned all attempts at courtship and devoted herself solely to her work. Her prestigious position and research gave her immunity from this "civic duty" as she was considered vital to the experiments being carried out, but Vashka knew that it was only temporary.Alongside performing her usual research, Vashka also took part in several experiments with the occult with varying levels of progress before a particular session with a familiar face invited a new burden into her life. During an experiment her colleagues had contacted a malicious entity in an attempt to turn the tide of the war in their favor. Bargaining would prove futile for it would not accept any offer presented unless Vashka herself was willing to make a deal with it. Disturbed by the knowledge the entity possessed about her life, including events during the summer of 1932, all communications were ceased on her orders. But it would not be the last she would deal with this new annoyance intent on tormenting her.In what was meant to be a routine operation overseeing prisoners of war in a military bunker, ended in disaster when Vashka and her colleagues found themselves trapped inside following an air raid. Left without rations or resources it would take 2 weeks before reinforcements could be sent to evacuate the survivors. During this time Vashka began having odd paranormal experiences from the same malicious entity her colleagues attempted to contact a week prior that along with growing desperation began to whittle away at the hardened woman's mind. When the first of the survivors succumbed to worsening conditions, driven mad by starvation and the entity's influence Vashka eventually snapped and consumed the remains of a fallen colleague. Upon rescue, Vashka was relocated to another facility to continue her experiments until the war's conclusion now with a dark secret lingering in the depths of her mind.Following the Axis Power's defeat and the demise of its major players, the world now demanded justice for the atrocities committed. When the Allied Force's invasion of Germany began, Vashka fled with her remaining colleagues into a hidden underground compound deep within the woodlands to evade capture. With radio transmissions serving as the only link to the outside world, Vashka remained within the compound for 6 months before increasing paranoia, and the threat of discovery began taking its toll on those within. Tormented by the voice of the same entity from before now interfering with the radio that only she could hear added to rising tensions. In the event of being discovered, Vashka had planted rigged explosives all throughout the compound ready to be detonated at the push of a button with orders that none may leave.To ensure her own survival above all else despite the compound's food reserves, in an act of utter depravity Vashka would go on to kill each of her remaining colleagues one night while they slept. Her first act of cannibalism had been a last resort but now Vashka had done so willingly, cementing the form she would later take in the afterlife. 6 months would pass before retribution for her sins finally came for Vashka. Allied forces had received information of the compound's location and what they believed contained a unit of war criminals hiding within but nothing could have prepared them for what awaited them inside.The decomposing half eaten remains of her slain colleagues littered the compound creating a gruesome scene of depravity that led to a lone office room where Vashka made her final stand. Refusing to cooperate or surrender, Vashka knew that her time had come, but she would die with defiance while laughing in the face of her captors. In an instant the explosives lining the compound were detonated, destroying the building to its very foundations and killing all within. In her last moments of life, Vashka could vaguely see a blurred red figure amongst the wreckage before everything went black and she was sent straight to Hell for her sins.

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.

💜ABILITIES 💜💜Eldritch Soul:
Vashka’s soul reflects her true nature and origin as a Glamour. As such she is considered an anomaly in Hell, neither Sinner nor Hellborn yet somehow simultaneously both thus she is able to bypass certain restrictions placed onto Sinners.
Vashka displays complete mastery in bending the shadows to her will and can utilize this ability for a wide array of both offensive and defensive purposes along with serving as a way for her to manifest with ease or conceal her presence.
💜Necrotic Pyrokinesis:
Vashka is capable of summoning necrotic green flames at will. These flames possess unique properties of her own design that differ from standard hellfire or earthly fire that are designed to both burn and decay anything that comes into contact with them. Highly combustive due to having a gaseous chemical makeup with acidic properties, these flames may take the form of solids, liquids, and gasses.
💜Eldritch Magic:
As a practitioner of the most depraved forms of magic, Vashka is both knowledgeable and proficient in using the dark arts to their full potential making her a powerful wielder of eldritch magic to produce a wide variety of effects. (
Owing to her nature as a Glamour, Vashka is capable of casting powerful illusions that are indistinguishable from reality. These illusions hold dominion over the five senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing) and are seemingly without limitation on what she can create, capable of affecting living beings, objects and even the environment. While these illusions are capable of inflicting physical harm, Vashka prefers to beckon her targets down a path of self destruction by their own actions instead, be it mental or physical.
Tying in with her ability to manipulate souls, Vashka can reanimate the empty husks of the deceased as well as place souls into other beings or objects. Reanimated beings retain the abilities they had in life but are completely subservient to Vashka’s commands, lacking any free will of their own and forced to serve her as mindless drones until the body is destroyed. While typically malevolent in nature, this ability can be used for other means such as resurrecting those who come to her if they are mortally wounded. This is done by forcefully removing the soul from the dying body and transferring it into a new vessel with the conscious left intact.
💜Dream Manipulation
Vashka’s influence over the mind extends to the subconscious of both sleeping and lucid individuals through her manipulation of dreams and visions. She is able to project herself into the minds of others, typically through prolonged intense eye contact. While inside the subconscious mind of another, Vashka herself enters a sort of trance, unresponsive to the outside world yet fully aware of her surroundings.
When scrying the minds of strong willed individuals, she may be forcibly ejected and return to the waking world if met with resistance. Vashka is incapable of physically harming the individual while inside their mind, making this ability primarily for information gathering, projecting her influence, memory alteration and more recently a form of therapy when repressed memories need to be unlocked.💜Full Demon Form
In this form, Vashka’s true nature is revealed as she sheds her less threatening corporal form that masks her cosmic origins. Her figure becomes more distorted and quadrupedal in nature, bearing a thin frame covered in viscera with elongated limbs ending in dagger-like claws and cloven hooves. A rack of fully branched out antlers protrude from her skull, the skin on her face now having retracted to form an elongated skeletal muzzle with a pair of glowing featureless eyes at the center. Thick coarse fur lines the entirety of her body, ending in a long fluffy tail. She radiates an intense oppressive aura that instills fear in the weak of mind and a sense of dread whenever she is nearby.
In this form, Vashka is incapable of speech and behaves much more animalistically, yet she can communicate through telepathy. While primarily quadrupedal, she can rear up onto her hindlegs and assume a semi bipedal stance. Vashka’s size varies depending on various circumstances but can achieve "Kaiju" size allowing her to hold her own against other powerhouses such as the Ars Goetia, The Sins, and other Overlords.🫀SKILLSET 🫀🫀Bilingualism
Vashka speaks fluent German and English but will usually revert to her native tongue during certain occasions. She is also able to understand French, Russian, and Italian but is by no means fluent.
🫀Anatomical Surgeon
In life, Vashka possessed an unparalleled understanding of human anatomy which only increased after her arrival in Hell. She is fascinated by the inner workings of the various demon morphs and is very knowledgeable in how they function. Vashka is particularly interested in conducting biological experiments on her subjects and has taken to dabbling in the art of soul magic when doing so, often forcing a victim to remain alive well past the body’s natural limitations. Despite most of her talent being used for malicious purposes, Vashka is capable of using her craft for a more benevolent cause.
🫀Master Manipulator
Highly charismatic and affable, Vashka knows the game and how to play it. She is able to charm, sweet talk, con, seduce, and lie her way out of almost any situation with few being able to see through her facade for what she truly is. Vashka will use any means at her disposal to get what she wants including but not limited to seduction, feigning vulnerability, gaslighting, and prolonged mind games.
A master of the mind, Vashka is adept at reading others and getting them to talk to the point she is described as being hypnotic, beckoning others to let their guard down and confide in her. She possesses an understanding of the mind that few others can rival and this talent has resulted in her taking up the role of providing counseling for the residents at the hotel, even if her reasons for doing so are usually self serving.
🫀Deal Maker*
As with most Overlords, Vashka is a deal maker and has lured many souls with her tempting and seemingly beneficial offers. Every contract created by Vashka is 100% soul binding, absolute, and official. Written in red ink and formed from the client’s own blood, the client need only touch the contract on the dotted line for their blood to be drawn and used to fill out the form. Once completed and with a post signing handshake, a sigil in her image will manifest on the recipient’s flank.
Through this mark, Vashka will be made aware of any violation by the other party immediately and will subsequently punish them. Despite this she is also able to grant pleasure through her mark and will reward obedience. Humans will have their souls collected upon death and are automatically sent to Hell by default, denying them whatever afterlife they would have received otherwise.🧬BIOLOGICAL ATTRIBUTES🧬🔥Demonic Physiology
Demons within the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss verse all share certain basic traits regardless of species while other abilities are unique on an individual basis.
🔥Demon Transformation
Vashka shares the common trait that every other Demon has, which is the ability to turn into a more powerful form of themselves with ease at will.
🔥Human Disguise
When entering the mortal realm, Vashka will don a human disguise mirroring one of her past incarnations to blend in with human society.
🔥Deer Form
Occasionally Vashka will take the form of an earthly deer bearing a striking resemblance to her default appearance.
🔥Heat Cycle
As a deer demon, Vashka experiences the same intense heat cycles and unbearable desire to breed as others of her species.
Demons, at least for Sinners, do not age and will remain the age in which they died, which for Vashka is 31.
The Wendigo is a supernatural being of terrible power, the embodiment of insatiable hunger, unbridled evil, and a savage predator. Befitting its bestial nature, Wendigos possess supernatural strength, speed, endurance, and senses. As a Wendigo, Vashka possesses the following abilities.
🦌Enhanced Strength
Even by monster terms, Wendigos are exceptionally strong. They possess a frightening degree of physical strength and animalistic ferocity, capable of shattering bone and tearing flesh with little effort.
🦌Enhanced Speed
Wendigos possess remarkable inhuman speed and reflexes, able to move at a speed that cannot be seen by the human eye. Targets who cannot be physically overpowered can easily be outrun.
🦌Enhanced Senses
Superhuman senses of sight, smell, and hearing are a defining trait of the Wendigo, making them perfect hunters. They can see perfectly in darkness, even capable of detecting prey by its bodily heat emanations. Its hearing is so keen that it can hear the heartbeats of those around it. A Wendigo can memorize scent profiles, allowing it to track prey, no matter how far away the victim may be.
🦌Supernatural Endurance & Regeneration:
Wendigos are notoriously invulnerable to bodily injuries. Mundane weaponry (steel, bullets, knives, fists, etc) cannot truly harm them but do effect them. Their unnatural bodies possess the ability to rapidly heal from wounds, even to the extent of regenerating lost limbs.
🦌Electromagnetic Spectrum Perception
Wendigos have a heightened perception of the EM spectrum. They can see and identify radio and television, as well as all other transmissions or transmitted frequencies. This also allows them to see the auras generated by living beings.
🦌Voice Mimicry
Wendigos are able to mimic and imitate voices to lure unsuspecting victims, which are most often cries for help; however this ability can also be used to deceive those around them.
🦌Dietary Intolerance:
Wendigos are natural predators and subsist on a strictly carnivorous diet, thus Vashka is only able to consume meat. Tying in with Wendigo feeding habits, she traditionally prefers live prey but will also eat pre-killed. As a Wendigo, Vashka can only partake in other food items if meat is included into the mix, otherwise her body will reject it.
The Glamour is an eldritch being of cosmic origin possessing lower tier omnipotence. Malevolent in nature and unfathomable to mortal comprehension, capable of bending reality to its whim yet bound to the nature of the form it inhabits. As a Glamour, Vashka possesses the following abilities.
💫Fathomless Mind
Glamours exist on a cosmic level that extends outside of mortal comprehension. As a result they cannot perceive or be perceived by conventional morality.
These cosmic entities can transform into any kind of being, including forms that may not be physically possible or exist in reality. However the Glamour is still forced to obey the laws of the form it takes.(ex: if shifted into a werewolf the Glamour can be killed by silver)
💫Psionic Force
All Glamours possess the ability to warp reality through powerful mental projections (ex: illusions, telepathy, dreams, etc) that are designed to induce fear and insanity in their victims.
💫Soul Absorption
The insatiable hunger for souls is a driving force behind the machinations of the Glamour. These entities are capable of devouring the souls of victims entirely, leaving nothing behind but an empty husk. Occasionally a Glamour will inherit certain qualities from higher quality souls.
💫Personal Domain
A realm in which the Glamour has absolute power, through magical, supernatural, scientific, or other means. The laws of the universe it inhabits do not apply here, allowing the Glamour to exert its full influence without restriction when in this realm. If its physical body is slain, the Glamour’s soul will return to its personal realm and reconstruct itself.
🩹 WEAKNESSES 🩹Holy Weaponry
Like all demonic beings, Vashka is weakened by holy artifacts and weaponry. When struck it will stun her, threatening to force her into revealing her true form as well as stunt her ability to regenerate from injury.
Insatiable Appetite
Vashka’s sanity is directly tied to her unholy hunger. If she is not able to regularly feed on souls or living flesh, she will begin to grow weak until finally entering a mindless feral state in which she lacks all restraint and is driven by the urge to devour.
Aura Sensitivity
As a cosmic being, Vashka is extremely sensitive to the aura and energies of living things. She is essentially an embodiment of malice that feeds off of fear and negative emotions, thus she can be repelled if combated with their polar opposites.
Bound Form
When utilizing her Glamour abilities to take the form of whatever she desires, Vashka is bound to obey the laws of that form and will inherit its weaknesses as long as she stays in that form. If she is not careful, this flaw can be exploited.
Mental Shields:
Much of Vashka’s power is drawn from her ability to manipulate the mind through psionic force. Characters who have mental shield abilities or wear protective runes are able to counter and defend against her psionic attacks.
Indomitable Willpower
Vashka is consumed with the same arrogance of all Glamours, which may lead her to underestimate just how strong the will and spirit of mortal beings can be. Fear is a driving force and if her target is not afraid, it becomes an issue for her.

💜Headcanons & Trivia💜

💜The species known as a Glamour is originates from the Steven King novels IT and The Dark Tower, making Vashka the same species as the creature IT, better known as Pennywise. Her preferred and chosen form is a pastel wendigo.💜Despite her current incarnation being from the 1900’s, Vashka has fully adjusted to and is up to date with modern technology. She is however completely ignorant when it comes to modern slang.💜Vashka possesses genius level intellect and an IQ of 180. She is known to process new information with remarkable ease, leaving her with an insatiable thirst for knowledge.💜She is an INTJ Personality from Myers Briggs 16 Personality Types.💜Vashka is a fashionista and is the type of person who could fill an entire apartment with just her wardrobe.💜As a deer based wendigo, Vashka has the full range of vocalizations common to the species (chuffs, snorts, grunts, snorts, churrs, and bleats.) She is also capable of producing low growls, snarls and otherworldly wails.💜Vashka tends to gravitate towards outfits that are elegant, feminine, and slightly revealing. Her style is a mix of goth and girly.💜Regarding Vashka’s past incarnations, she will typically appear in the form of a mortal avatar on Earth during periods of great strife before returning to the cosmos. She does not live out a full lifetime while on Earth, appearing as an adult to observe, gain knowledge, and feed on souls before going dormant.💜Vashka’s mortal avatar during the 1900s breaks this pattern, meeting an untimely demise during WWII that left her sealed in Hell.💜Contrary to popular belief, Vashka does not have a stereotypical heavy German accent. Upon arriving in Hell her voice changed along with her body to better reflect her true nature.💜Voice Claim: The Fox from the movie Balto 2💜Due to her overprivileged lifestyle, Vashka does not drive and probably wouldn’t know how to unless taught. Instead she has a private chauffeur drive her around.💜She’s very well versed in the occult and enjoys reading ancient grimoires or other obscure forms of forgotten knowledge. If you’re stuck trying to decipher something, odds are Vashka can read it.💜Vashka is a MASSIVE hypocrite who follows her own code of conduct that justifies her own behavior while condemning others.💜Her signature color is purple though she is also fond of black, pink, and of course pastel shades.💜Vashka has a daily beauty ritual each morning comparable to that of Georgette’s in the song “Perfect Isn’t Easy” from Disney’s Oliver and Company.💜She has a soft spot for most companion animals and finds their company agreeable. However it is not advised to leave her alone with prey animals when she’s hungry.💜Her relationship with her adoptive father/mentor was unconventional and overall unhealthy which contributed to her decision not to stay in New Orleans where she was happy. Their dynamic is very similar to how Frollo and Quasimodo are portrayed in Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame.💜While she typically doesn’t have much need for firearms, Vashka does know how to use them if magic isn’t an option. She owns a personal German Luger infused with angelic power.💜Her territory is surrounded by a dark moonlit forest filled with nightmarish illusions twisted by her design which serve as her primary hunting grounds. It unfortunately borders the bayous which sometimes leads to brief confrontations with the Radio Demon in terms of prey and hunting.💜This forest is notorious for its ability to bewitch and consume those who attempt to traverse it. The environment will shift at random in inexplicable ways, interfere with electronics, and instill a devastating effect on its victim’s sanity. Those who enter are often consumed in a sort of limbo, forced to wander endlessly unless guided safely by its creator.💜Vashka lives in a lavish gothic mansion in the heart of her territory with all the bells and whistles you could expect from a high society snob.💜She is very fond of rococo and gothic architecture and much of her home’s decor uses these themes.💜Viewing the political machinations of Hell like one giant game of chess, it’s only natural, she be an avid player of the classic board game.💜Vashka’s musical tastes are quite varied. She enjoys classical and will sometimes play the violin but is open minded with different genres.💜While she doesn’t do it often, Vashka can sing. Her singing voice is described as “haunting yet beautiful.” She doesn’t seem to be comfortable singing in front of an audience though.💜Lazarus was partially inspired by GeneCO from the movie Repo The Genetic Opera and operates in a similar manner.💜When in a mischievous mood, Vashka will use her illusions to toy with others and can be quite the prankster sometimes.💜She will sometimes make trips to the living world to observe humans and make deals with them. Vashka typically dons a human disguise or will appear as an earthly deer during these ventures.💜Vashka’s deer form is often responsible for automobile accidents on earth since she takes amusement in making humans wreck their vehicles. She also displays similar characteristics to a Not Deer and will randomly distort her features in a grotesque manner to terrify humans.💜In regard to romance, Vashka firmly believes herself to be incapable of love, viewing it as laughable and something she is above. To her, love is like a disease that ruins all who succumb to it by making them weak.💜Vashka’s biggest fear and arguably biggest flaw is her adamant refusal to become “weak” by growing attached to others (love, friendship, etc.) She strives to keep everyone at an emotional distance which may put her at odds with those who do try to get close to her.💜Vashka’s true form is an unholy combination of a Wendigo and a Glamour merged into one unfathomable creature whose very existence distorts the laws of reality around it. She will only use this form when placed in dire circumstances.💜Only the strongest of minds will retain their sanity after an encounter with those less fortunate succumbing to madness or in some cases death. When hunting she typically uses a powered down version of this form without the negative effects on one's sanity.


💋Vashka is primarily Dom oriented but will switch for certain individuals or if she is in the mood for it.💋She would be a power bottom when not in control or as a switch.💋As a Dom, Vashka can be quite cruel and enjoys edging, degrading, and otherwise pushing a partner to their limits. She is every bit a Dominatrix.💋She’ll never admit it, but deep down Vashka secretly enjoys being overpowered, pinned down and mounted.💋Vashka is NOT submissive and needs to be physically overpowered by another Dom to display any form of submission. She will also fight back for dominance throughout the ordeal.💋She’s very primal minded and animalistic when giving in to baser urges. Tender and gentle lovemaking will bore her. She likes it rough and gravitates towards darker kinks such as bloodplay and knifeplay.💋Vashka is a sadomasochist and enjoys both inflicting pain, leaving marks on her partner and enjoys receiving such in turn. Things often get bloody with her.💋If the back of her neck is snapped down on by a strong set of teeth, Vashka will melt. Her ears are also very sensitive and one of her erogenous zones.💋The concept of pregnancy horrifies her and she has zero interest in motherhood. Despite being classified as a Sinner, the unique properties of her soul allow Vashka to bypass the sterility forced upon sinners so she is indeed capable of reproduction but refrains from doing so.💋As a doe, Vashka experiences intense seasonal heat cycles. Her symptoms come in waves of severity the longer she goes without some form of relief ranging from mild annoyance to being unbearable.💋Vashka HATES that she was cursed in the afterlife with a seasonal heat cycle and will often go to great lengths to hide it. When in heat she will go into self-isolation and plans a week before it hits to ensure she is away from others.

📖Canon Character Headcanons📖

📖During her ascension in Hell, Vashka attempted an Undertale style genocide route before being stopped by Alastor. Utilizing her abilities as a Glamour, she erased all public memory of the event in the Pride Ring and has not attempted again since. Only Alastor was exempt from this and retains full memory of the event.📖 Due to her past defeat, Vashka has developed a great deal of resentment towards Alastor, who acts as a sort of cosmic check to keep her at bay and is the only one aware of what she truly is, aside from Lucifer. This resentment is mostly one sided on her end, which further irritates Vashka.📖 Vashka has no desire to rule over Hell or attempt to overthrow Lucifer. The King of Hell is aware of the Glamour’s presence and nature as an anomaly yet leaves her be for reasons unknown to her.📖 She is slightly wary of Stolas of the Ars Goetia due to his role as a guardian and watcher of the stars. Being a creature with cosmic origins, Vashka knows he could potentially be capable of seeing past the illusion of her corporal form.📖Vashka has formed a sort of alliance with the 3 Vees yet acts independently. She for the most part finds their company agreeable and will sometimes visit them in the Vee's tower. This has led to her occasionally being mistaken as one of them.📖 Being an entity who feeds off of fear and negative emotions, Charlie’s overwhelming positivity is exhausting to Vashka. She often finds herself feeling drained after prolonged exposure to the Princess’s antics.📖 After the battle against the Exterminators, Vashka secretly ran off with Adam's corpse and successfully resurrected the First Man. She now owns his soul but is still learning to tolerate his vulgar personality.


💠No Minors 18+ Only. Please don't lie about your age when interacting if you're under 18.💠Mun is used to writing detailed roleplay {Para, Novella, T1} but will match and go off what she's given. Never be intimidated or discouraged from reaching out if you'd like to RP with me.💠DMs are always open for plotting. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to discuss ideas for an interaction💠Replies may be slow. We all have lives outside of RP, and sometimes life happens or mood is low. Just ping me in DMs and I'll try to get back to you ASAP.💠Mun is open to writing smut scenes. Chemistry being built up between muses first is preferred but oneshots are also an option if there's enough interest in your muse.💠Spicy & suggestive RP is allowed on my timeline, but anything NSFW will be taken to DMs.💠No Extreme Kinks/Fetishes {Ex: Watersports, Scat } Limits can be discussed in DMs.💠Absolutely no Ageplay, Incest, Pedophilia, Racism, Homophobia or Bestiality! I will block/report you.💠No Metagaming or Godmodding {Ex: Your muse knowing my muse's history, fears, powers, weaknesses etc based on OOC sources without being revealed in RP.}💠Avoid Autopiloting my Muse's actions before she can respond.
{Ex: "Get on your knees" he said then smiled when she plopped onto the floor. }
💠Possible triggers & dark themes present!
{See Character Info.}
Communication is key if we're going to be writing daker subject matter. I'll always make an effort to respect personal triggers and limits of those I RP with, so don't hesitate to let me know if there's anything you're not comfortable with rping.
💠Muse does not equal Mun, so please don't take anything Vashka says or does to heart.DISCLAIMER
Vashka is a morbid character with a grim history that is in Hell for a reason. Her Mun does not condone, glorify, enable or fetishize her actions and history nor will she be portrayed as such.
Great care has been taken to research subject matter regarding Vashka's mental state and the historical time period she was alive during to be able to portray her with the upmost respect to their sources. Her Mun will NEVER play her in a way that is offensive to these real-world parallels.


💕Shipping MUST be built through chemistry. There's simply no way around this one.💕Mun is selective with ships and will pair Vashka with muses that fit the character and make sense.💕This account is multiship, with each ship taking place in its own separate AU.💕Don't force a ship. Flirting and flings are fine but this does not mean Vashka will instantly fall for your muse.💕Please keep in mind that shipping with Vashka might not be ideal for everyone. Slow burn romance, angst heavy storylines, and enemies to lovers dynamics tend to fit her best.

All artwork is from paid commissions, gift art, or personal art.DO NOT STEAL, REPOST OR REDESIGN!